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[Feature Friday] StoryBrand Guide Wes Gay on the Importance of Empathy, Clarity, and Generosity in your Business - The ROI Online Podcast Ep. 17

Wes Gay became a StoryBrand Guide—and later Agency—after being fired from his job at a church during a leadership transition period. Though churches frequently have casualties of a turnover season, he was permanently branded with a “Scarlet Letter F” after the event. No job wanted to consider him, regardless of his skills and talent. With little more than a strong admiration of Donald Miller, a loaf of bread, peanut butter, and some bananas, Wes traveled to Nashville to take the StoryBrand Marketing training when it first came out. 

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A natural on stage due to his background in the church and learning from successful pastors, Wes knew his strengths and was able to use them to help gain traction in his career. Of the lessons he’s learned, Wes has great advice to offer: 

  1. Generosity is a competitive advantage. 
  2. Show your authority rather than just talk about it. 
  3. As much as you can, put people first. 
  4. Empathy is one of the greatest skills you can practice for your business. And, 
  5. Find the right balance between the short and long term gains for your business.

One of the ways Wes got started was by being generous with his advice. He’d offer solutions to people’s problems before asking them to pay for his time or effort. Generosity allowed him to demonstrate his authority and get three clients right off the bat. 

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By putting people first, he’s able to find his customers where they are and work with people who want to listen to his advice and hear his solutions. Wes knows you have to think about your business from the lens of the consumer to be able to reach them and help them. 

Wes understands the importance of finding a balance between the short and long game of running a business, which, after growing up around peanut farming all his life, he describes as the difference between farming and running to the grocery store. Though you can always run to the store to get a bag of peanuts, and sometimes it’s necessary to bring in immediate income, you should also be planting seeds so that you can gain revenue in six, nine, or twelve months from now. A long-term healthy business knows how to do both. 

Wes’s job, as he describes it is to do for his clients “what they do for the people, which is: help them figure out the path they need to go.” He gives them an outside perspective so everyone can stick to what they’re good at and reach the level of success they’re striving for. 

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Read Don Miller’s book, Building a StoryBrand.

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