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2 Simple Tips To Build a Better E-commerce Website

Are you looking for a simple way to improve your website?

In this golden nugget from the ROI Online Podcast CEO of Convertica Kurt Philip shares 2 simple tips on how to build a better e-commerce website.

I Want Unlimited Warm Leads!

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There are thousands of articles written on how to build a better e-commerce website.

The good news is often times all it takes are simple tweaks to vastly improve your website!

You build a better e-commerce website by making it more people-friendly

Here are 2 simple tips:

1. Make sure your add to shopping cart button is always visible.

You can do this by adding a simple floating/sticky shopping cart at the bottom of your page.

When you keep the shopping cart visible, it reduces friction because customers won't have to scroll back to the top of the page once they've found their product. 

2. Make sure you provide a clear path for your customer to progress through their checkout experience.

Many Shopify sites have animations that pop up when a product is added to their shopping carts, but that's as far as it goes. It doesn't provide any clear next steps for the customer to take.

Create your checkout experience as if you were instructing your child through the purchase. Alert the customer that their item and has been added and now needs to be checked out. Make the checkout process with as few steps as possible to make the customers experience as simple and easy as possible.

Increase Your E-commerce Conversions With Convertica!

Head over to Convertica, and get a free website audit today to see where you can improve your website optimization.

And if you're looking to improve the marketing for your e-commerce website, check out the Golden Toilet below.

This book was made for business owners like you, who wants a blueprint on how to create a beautiful website, that is implemented into an effective marketing system that grows your business

Grab a free copy with an audible trial below!

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