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Is Your Business Invisible Online - Be Found Online

By Steve Brown

Is Your Business Invisible on the Internet?

As a kid, I remember watching movies or shows that often featured an invisible character. I used to think it would be so cool to be invisible; it seemed like a super power that could be used for good or evil. Even now, there are times I wished I could be invisible. If only there were a potion you could buy at CVS like a 5-Hour Energy product. On the other hand, my dad once said that at times he feels invisible when it comes to many servers in the restaurant industry. But that’s a topic for another blog.

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The most common question I’m asked by business owners is how to make their business more visible to their potential customers on the internet. Hmmm. Your company being invisible to your customers on the internet is not so cool. In fact, if your company does not show up as a search result during your potential customers research and education phase of the buying cycle, you don’t exist. You really are invisible. You could have an excellent solution for the problem this person is wanting to solve. But you won’t even be considered because you are invisible to them - and everyone else like them - if they can’t learn more about your services or products.

What could you or your company drink to make you suddenly be found online? One day you happen to notice that the phone is not ringing as much this week as last, so you send an email to Bob in purchasing to order another 55 gallon drum of Google Juice. As soon as it’s delivered, you instruct the facilities manager to immediately load the fog bombs and get them strategically placed throughout the building and set them to go off. Boom! A fog of visibility on the internet rolls throughout the offices. All of a sudden emails start pinging inboxes, phones start to ring, and all is well. Your business exists again, and you're no longer invisible. People are now finding out about your company and its mission.

If only it were that easy - and it’s not. Becoming visible on the internet takes a significant amount of planning, work, and measurement. I don’t know of a magic potion you can drink, but there is something that will work. It’s labeled “Just Make The Commitment,” and it has to be consumed on a regular weekly schedule for best results!


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