Social media has become a powerful tool for sharing content on your website. You can get people to click-through and read everything you have to say. But, do you only share content that you create or do you also share content that someone else creates?
If you want a higher click rate, sharing is a better option. When you link to third-party content, you could get 33 percent more clicks than if you link to one of your site's pages. The truth is that the highest quality content on the internet is not always going to live on your site. By sharing quality content on social media, you will see people clicking on your social media feeds, which means they are more likely to share it as well.
But, is this the best approach for a company that wants to convert prospects into paying customers?
If you want to drive your conversion rate up, linking to your own content is the best strategy. Any social media post that links to your website will get 54 percent more conversions than posts that link to a third-party site. You are likely saying, "Duh, that makes sense." And you would be right. You want to attract people to your website and ultimately convert them to paying customers.
This is why sharing your content is so important for your conversion efforts. But, should you completely abandon content sharing?
If you only share third-party content, you will get plenty of people clicking and sharing your social media posts. However, your conversion rate won't be amazing. If you go completely with sharing your personal content, there is a good chance you will come across as a self-promoter. Neither one is good for your business.
Finding the right balance between the two will give you the optimal conversion rate. The same research that found that sharing is great for improving click rates and linking to your own content increases conversion rates found the statistical sweet spot for the two. The Golden Ratio of Social Media Marketing from Rallyverse suggests you use 30% of your own content, 60% curated content and 10% promotional content.
This can vary, of course, based on your business and your customer base. Start out with a 60/40 split and see what happens with your websites. You may find that a 75/25 or 50/50 split is better for your business. With a bit of trial and error, you can find that sweet spot.
For more social media marketing tips, download our free Social Media eBook!